Dr. Mark Zrull featured for work with transfer students
Oct 11, 2019
Dr. Zrull was featured in Appalachian Today for his work with transfer students. This fall, 1,230 new transfer students joined the Mountaineer po...

Dr. Denise Martz publishes new book: "Fat Talk: A Feminist Perspective"
Jul 30, 2019
Fat talk and body snarking -- as our Feminine Enemies -- are veiled adversaries for modern women. Fat talk is critical dialogue about one's physical a...

Seniors Sam Reis and Brittany Foster win Psychology Department Laudits
Jul 30, 2019
Seniors Samantha “Sam” Reis and Brittany Foster named the Department of Psychology's Outstanding Senior (Reis) and Distinguished Senior (Foster).S...

Dr. Andrew Smith wins NSF Grant for work on Optimism Bias
Jul 30, 2019
Dr. Andrew Smith was awarded a 3-year grant from the National Science Foundation focusing on optimism biases—instances where preferred outcomes are ...

Coming soon: 2019 IOHRM Professional Development Conference
Jul 30, 2019
On Friday, October 11, 2019, the IOHRM program will host its bi-annual Professional Development Conference. We will have the opportunity to learn abou...

Sidney Murray Presents at Southeastern Psychological Association
Jul 30, 2019
First-year Experimental Master's graduate student, Sidney Murray, presented a poster at the annual conference of the Southeastern Psychological Associ...

Psych Major Caroline Webb named a Fulbright Finalist
Jul 30, 2019
Psychology major Caroline Webb has been named a Fulbright U.S. Student Program finalist for the 2019–20 academic year. Caroline is one of four final...

Dr. Canu appointed to JAD Editorial Board
Mar 8, 2019
Dr. Will Canu has been appointed to the editorial board of the Journal of Attention Disorders (JAD). Will has served as a peer reviewer for JAD in the...

CARE receives continued funding for research and analytic support
Mar 8, 2019
Dr. Shawn Bergman and the Center for Analytic Research and Education (CARE) received additional funding to provide research and analytic consultation ...

IOHRM in Cuba
Mar 8, 2019
IOHRM students Soundarya Kanthimathinathan and Katie Maness and program director Dr. Tim Huelsman started 2019 with a January trip to Cuba with Dr. Ra...