Major Committees


Departmental Personnel Committee (DPC)

  • Composition: 8 elected members (6 tenured and 2 untenured faculty) 2 elected alternates (1 tenured and 1 untenured) Chair will conduct meetings as an ex-officio member.
  • Function: The DPC will deliberate and make recommendations to the Department chair on issues of promotion, tenure, reappointment, merit, part-time faculty, adjunct faculty, and certification of scholarly materials. The DPC may also conduct faculty searches as needed.

Faculty Search Committee

  • Composition: a minimum of 5 elected faculty with additional faculty assigned by the Chair to ensure appropriate areas of expertise are represented. Chair will conduct meetings as an ex-officio member.
  • Function: At the discretion of the faculty and Chair, a search committee may be formed to conduct new faculty searches. That committee will report directly to the chair.

 Curriculum Committee

  • Composition: 5 members appointed by the Departmental Chair
  • Function: to review faculty proposals for changes in the Departmental curriculum and make recommendations to the faculty at large.