Travel Authorization
App State requires travel justification and travel authorization to be completed before any grant applications or making ANY expenditures. Any monies spent towards your travel prior to an approved travel authorization will not be reimbursed by App State. To ensure time for all purchases after your application is approved, it is recommended that you send in your application 6-8 weeks prior (if you are thinking of using 3rd party lodging such as Airbnb, your application must be submitted at least 6 weeks prior), or even sooner if possible. If time does not permit at least 4 weeks prior to the start of travel, contact Michelle Holcombe directly. Michelle Holcombe processes travel authorization applications for all Psychology Faculty, Staff, and Students (Graduate and Undergraduate). Contact information for Michelle is located at the bottom of the page.
Travel authorization applications are completed by providing all of the relevant following information in a Google Form located at the bottom of this section. The forms must be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to the first day of travel. Please read the following carefully. The travel authorization application must have:
The traveler's name
Banner ID
Name of the event
Times & Dates (when you leave campus and when you return to campus)
Associated faculty member (for students)
- Estimated Costs included in your application: (If you have any estimated costs beyond those listed below, make sure to include those as well and be as detailed as possible)
Registration fees
If the conference is providing any meals, list which ones
If flying, provide an estimate of how much a flight could cost. Keep all boarding passes/receipts to be returned for reimbursement.
If driving: the person that owns the car is the only individual that can claim mileage or submit gas receipts for reimbursement
If Hotel, include the nightly estimated cost of stay (including taxes and fees)
If 3rd party lodging (Airbnb, etc), do the same as above but submit the travel application 6 weeks prior to travel and before booking anything
Parking, taxi, etc.
hotel parking, airport parking, shuttle, taxi/UBER/rental - estimate the cost ahead of time and remember to get a receipt.
- Again, it is advised that you do this months in advance - especially if you are seeking additional grants.
Within the week of return, bring all receipts to Michelle Holcombe or upload them digitally using the SNAP app during your trip so that she can begin the reimbursement process.
Remember: all receipts have to show only the person that is asking for a reimbursement. Each person has to pay for their own airline ticket, hotel room, and registration. Each receipt has to show how it was paid for. For example: the last four digits of your credit card information and/or the words, VISA, MC, etc.
Registration receipt showing a zero balance
Flight: receipt showing that you bought the flight and have zero balance; must show how this was paid (i.e. visa last 4 digits, etc.); copy of boarding pass.
Hotel: receipt showing a zero balance. If you are splitting the room, each person needs a separate receipt showing a zero balance, showing how it was paid as above.
Parking, taxis, shuttles: provide all receipts, showing how paid as above.
Meals: operate on a per diem basis - no receipts necessary.
Any other receipts related to estimated costs listed in your Travel Authorization Application
Links and Forms
Questions? Please contact Michelle Holcombe