Outreach Internship- Focusing on Girls in Science and Boys in Science Programs, Museum of Natural Sciences

Raleigh, NC
(919) 807-4400


Biology, Education, Science Education, Environmental Science, Zoology, Wildlife Sciences, Psychology or related fields

Project Objective

The Outreach Internship is one that is a combination of experiences and opportunities based in the Museum's Education Section; however the major focus will be working on the Girls in Science and Boys in Science summer programs. These summer programs are funded by Time Warner Cable's Connect a Million Minds. They are residential, weeklong outdoor programs that help keep middle school students interested and involved in science. The Girls in Science program has been in place since 1992. The Boys in Science program is a new addition to the Museum's summer camp offerings this year and will be modeled on the Girls in Science program.

Major Tasks

The intern will help organize, prepare and run all the camps, taking an active role on the leadership 23 team of each camp. In addition, the intern will have the opportunity for observation and involvement in other areas of the Museum's outreach programs. The intern will become trained in handling live animals, work alongside Museum scientists and educators, learn natural science information related to North Carolina and gain valuable experience running and managing a group residential education experience for middle school youth.

Final Product or Outcome

The successful completion of three weeklong summer camps