Research Interests
- Developmental psychology
- Adult development & aging
- Emotion regulation
- Memory
I am a developmental psychologist with specific interests in cognitive and emotional self-regulation in adulthood. My Adult Cognitive & Emotional Development lab is part of the AGELabs (Aging, Growth, & Experience) research group, a partnership among the core faculty in the Experimental Psychology program whose research focuses on developmental questions. My research examines interrelationships between basic cognitive function and emotional/motivational factors, with a particular emphasis on how these factors influence episodic memory and/or higher-order reasoning abilities.
My lab's latest research projects examine how adult lifespan differences in emotion regulation and working memory capacity influence the construction and elaboration of autobiographical memories and episodic future thought. Additional research is examining how different online emotion regulation strategies influence immediate and delayed recall of emotional material.
I am always looking for bright and motivated graduate and undergraduate students to join my lab. As a scientist, I take great pride in helping students translate their research ideas into empirically testable predictions, leading to quality research products. As an adult developmental psychologist, however, my ultimate goal is helping students develop the tools they need to lead a successful adult life, however they choose to define success.
Favorite Publications
Complete Publication List & Full-Texts available at ResearchGate
Emery, L., Hess, T.M., & Elliot, T. (2012). The Illusion of the Positive: The impact of natural and induced mood on older adults' false recall. Aging, Neuropsychology, & Cognition, 19, 677-698. doi: 10.1080/13825585.2011.645012
Emery, L., & Hess, T.M. (2011). Cognitive consequences of expressive regulation in older adults. Psychology & Aging, 26, 388-396. Doi: 10.1037/a0020041
Emery, L., Hale, S., & Myerson, J. (2008). Age differences in proactive interference, working memory, and reasoning. Psychology and Aging, 23, 634-45.
Emery, L., Heaven, T., Paxton, J. & Braver, T. (2008). Age-related changes in neural activity during performance matched working memory manipulation. NeuroImage, 42, 1577-1586.
Published Student Projects
Hill, P.F., & Emery, L. (2013). Episodic future thought: Contributions from Working Memory. Consciousness & Cognition, 22, 677-683.
Posedel, J., Emery, L., Souza, B., & Fountain, C. (2011). Pitch perception, Working Memory, and Second Language Phonological Production. Psychology of Music, 40, 508-517. doi: 10.1177/0305735611415145
Recent Posters & Presentations
Emery, L., Morgan, K., Pechanek, K., Williams, C. (November, 2014). Age Differences in Emotion Recognition of Briefly Presented Faces. [PPTX] Poster Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society, Washington, DC.
Emery, L., Gizdarska, S. (November, 2014). Age Differences in Rumination, Co-Rumination, and Their Association with Depressive Symptomatology [PPTX] Gerontological Society, Washington, DC.
Emery, L, Hale, S., & Booze, E. (April, 2014). Age Differences in Positivity During Episodic Future Thought. [PPTX] Talk given at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Payment, E.M., Emery, L., & Camp, E. (April, 2014). Age Differences in Performance on Financial Games. [PPTX] Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Burkett, H., Gizdarska, S., Griffin, M., & Emery, L. (April, 2014). Age-Related Differences in Episodic Memory Retrieval in Autobiographical Memory. [PPTX] Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Emery, L., & Griffin, M. (March, 2014). Age Differences in Autobiographical Memory Specificity: It's Not Just About Cognition. [PPTX] Poster presented at the North Carolina Cognition Conference, Durham, NC.
Daniel, R. & Emery, L. (March, 2014). The Effects of the Natural Environment on Attention Restoration: Part II. [PPTX] Poster presented at the North Carolina Cognition Conference, Durham, NC.
Current Topics of Research
- Adult Development and Aging
- Emotion and Motivation
- Working Memory and Cognitive Control
Title: Associate Professor
Department: Department of Psychology
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-8941
Fax: (828) 262-2974