Several students from the HR Science research team represented the department at the open house that took place on Saturday, April 9th. The students shared the research they are doing as part of the HR Science team and gave a glimpse of some of the activities happening in the department to potential students and families. Below are some of the comments from the students who represented the department regarding what students and parents found most interesting about each of their projects.
"Every single student loved the idea of our website [which will allow psychology majors in the future to enter their coursework and see career options they are qualified for], they really hope to be able to use it within two years."
"The sustainability website impressed a few people! I was able to show them our blog section and the sustainability library. One parent took a picture of our website and RCIO poster and said that she would choose to study our research area if she could start over in her career!"
"I think people were interested in the potential real-world implications aspect of the analyses we conduct on the [occupational safety] research team."
We would like to thank our students for representing us at the open house and getting our future students excited about joining us!