Professor publishes ADHD research

Dr. Will Canu and his collaborators at Appalachian State and other universities across the country have been busy this year. Dr. Canu's research focuses on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), particularly in college students and young adults. This year, publications that he has authored or co-authored examine issues related to ADHD such as empirically assessment methods, interventions, and related features (executive functioning, comorbidity, procrastination). Current graduate students in the Clinical Psychology Psy.D. program (Maggie Johnson, Jonah Blum) and an Appalachian alum (Dane Hilton) are among those that have contributed to this body of work. Below are some of their recent work:

  • Bodalski, E.A., Flory, K., Canu, W. H., Willcutt, E. G., & Hartung, C. M. (in press). Do emotional dysregulation and self-esteem mediate the relation between ADHD symptoms and procrastination in college students? Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.
  • Hilton, D. C., Canu, W. H., & Jarrett, M. A. (2022). The importance of executive functioning for social skills in college students: A relative weights analysis. American Journal of College Health. Advance online publication.
  • Shelton, C. R., Hartung, C. M., & Canu, W. H. (2022). Feasibility and acceptability of an internet-based intervention for emerging and young adults with ADHD. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science. Advance online publication.
  • Shura, R. D., Richard, K. W., Martindale, S. L., Brearly, T. W., Taber, K. H., & Canu, W. H. (2022). Internalizing and externalizing comorbidity and symptom burden in a VA ADHD specialty evaluation clinic. Psychiatry Research. Advance online publication. doi:
  • Canu, W. H., & Hilton, D. (in press). ADHD: 2nd wave conceptualization and intervention. In W. O’Donohue & A. Masuda (Eds.) Behavior Therapy: First, Second & Third Waves (pp. xx-xx). Springer.
  • Wymbs, F.A., Wymbs, B.T., & Canu, W.H. (in press). Couple therapy with parents of youth with ADHD or disruptive behavior disorders. In D.K. Snyder & J.L. Lebow (Eds.) Handbook of couple therapy (6th edition, pp. xx-xx). Guilford.
  • Canu, W. H., Johnson, M. W., & Blum, J. E. (in press). Self-report measures for assessing ADHD in adults. In J. L. Matson (Ed.) Clinical Handbook of ADHD Assessment and Treatment Across the Life Span (pp. xx-xx). Springer Nature.
Published: Oct 4, 2022 8:50am
