Drs. Will Canu and Lisa Curtin received awards at Appalachian State's 2nd Annual Awards of Distinction reception on April 25th. Dr. Curtin was recognized with the Appalachian State University School/College Award, for her dedication and accomplishments in teaching and mentoring. An excerpt from one of her students' nominations read "to know Dr. Curtin is to know a truly gifted and compassionate instructor. She enters every single class with a smile and truly makes you feel as though you are welcome in her classroom." Dr. Canu received the Provost's Award for Excellence in Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity. One of his nominators wrote “He has consistently demonstrated exceptional research performance, and the quality, quantity and impact of his research output has been outstanding. His groundbreaking research has significantly advanced our understanding of ADHD." Drs. Curtin and Canu are both core faculty members in the Clinical Psychology Psy.D. program, in which Dr. Curtin serves as the Program Director and Director of Clinical Training, as well.