Two Department of Psychology members received recognition in the recently held Graduate School awards ceremony (link available until 8-12-21). Patricia Ferreira, a second-year graduate student in Experimental Psychology, won the Zigli Research Award, which was created to support graduate students engaged in scholarly activity (beginning at 10:00 in the video). Patricia's research is on Perceptions of Alleged Sexual Abuse, and she already has a first-author scholarly publication under her belt while also being accepted into a doctoral program at Iowa State University. Dr. Shawn Bergman was awarded the Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award, the Graduate School's highest honor to a faculty member who is engaged in the graduate education enterprise as an outstanding teacher, mentor, and scholar. He was highlighted for his ability to get funding, singular commitment to his graduate students, record of graduate student teaching, research, and service, and how he elevated the IOHRM program to one of the best in the country. Dr. Bergman's address on receiving this honor can be heard beginning at 25:45 on the video.