Research Interests
Currently in my lab my colleagues, students and I are conducting several studies on diverse topics, including media, video games, aggression, bullying, and gender.
- Ph.D., 1991, West Virginia University, Developmental Psychology
- M.S., 1981, Eastern Kentucky University, Clinical Psychology
- B.S., 1979, Eastern Kentucky University, Psychology, cum laude
- Licensed Psychological Associate and Health Service Provider - North Carolina (#665)
- Shodan (1st degree) Black Belt – American Freestyle Karate (December, 1999)
- Nidan (2nd degree) Black Belt – American Freestyle Karate (October, 2005)
- Sandan (3rd degree) Black Belt – American Freestyle Karate (July, 2012)
- 1st Duan Black Sash – Sil Lum Kung Fu (October, 2016)
- 1st Duan Black Sash – Emperor’s Long Fist (July, 2015)
Appointments and Positions
- 2002 – Professor, Department of Psychology, Appalachian State University
- 1997 – 2002 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Appalachian State University
- 1991 - 1997 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Appalachian State University
- 1987 - 1991 Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychology, West Virginia University
- 1988 - 1990 Traineeship, NIMH, Department of Health and Human Services
- 1981 - 1987 Staff Psychologist, Wayne County MHC, Goldsboro, NC
Teaching and Research Awards
- 2020 – North Carolina Board of Governor's Excellence in Teaching Award
- 2013 – Psi Chi Excellence in Mentoring Award
- 2012 – Psi Chi Excellence in Teaching Award
- 2007 – Psi Chi Above and Beyond Award
- 2004 – Nominated for College of Arts and Sciences Donald W. Sink Outstanding Scholar Award
- 2003 - Nominated for College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Advisor Award
- 2002 – Nominated for College of Arts and Sciences Donald W. Sink Outstanding Scholar Award
- 1999 - Nominated for College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Advisor Award
- 1998 - Chosen as one of Appalachian's finest faculty members - ASU Sororities.
- 1997 - Nominated for Student Government Association Outstanding Teacher Award
- 1997 - Chosen as one of Appalachian's finest faculty members - ASU Sororities.
- 1996 - Nominated for the College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teacher Award
- 1995 - Inducted into the College of Arts and Sciences Academy of Outstanding Teachers
- 1995 - Nominated for the College of Arts and Sciences Academy of Outstanding Teachers
- 1994 - Nominated for the College of Arts and Sciences Academy of Outstanding Teachers
- SAFE Grant for lab equipment ($531) - Fall, 2018
- Center for Academic Excellence One New Thing $250 Mini-grant (five loaner i<clicker 2 units for students with financial need). May, 2018
- GRAM – Office of Student Research - Funded 2018-2019
- College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office – SAFE Fund Undergraduate Research Assistant award for Megan Kornhauser ($1100) – Summer 1 & Summer 2 2017
- Office of Student Research – Fall 2013 - $1000 Undergraduate Research Assistant award for Elizabeth Watts.
- Office of Student Research – Summer 2012 - $1000 Undergraduate Research Assistant award for Elizabeth Watts.
- Office of Student Research – 2011 - $1000 Undergraduate Research Assistant award for Jeremy Belew.
- URC Fall Competition – 2008 – Walker Graduate School - $4700 – Funded; extended thru 2009.
Sample Publication PDFs
- Sexual Identity and Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents in Rural Appalachia | Ballard, Jameson & Martz (2017)
- Social Context and Video Game Play: Impact on Cardiovascular and Affective Response | Ballard, Visser, & Jocoy (2012)
- The Immediate Effects on Homicidal, Suicidal, and Nonviolent Heavy Metal and Rap Songs on the Moods of College Students | Ballard & Coates (1995)
- Video Game Violence and Confederate Gender: Effects on Reward and Punishment Given by College Males | Ballard & Lineberger (1999)
- Mortal Kombat: The Effects of Violent Video Game Play on Males' Hostility and Cardiovascular Responding | Ballard & Wiest (1996)
- Emotional and Cardiovascular Responses to Adults' Angry Behavior and to Challenging Tasks in Children of Hypertensive and Normotensive Parents | Ballard, Cummings, & Larkin (1993)
- Genre of Music and Lyrical Content: Expectation Effects | Ballard, Dodson, & Bazzini (1999)
- Correlates of Video Game Screen Time among Males: Body mass, physical activity, other media use | Ballard, Gray, Reilly, & Noggle (2009)
- Affiliation, Flirting, and Fun: Mock Aggressive Behavior in College Students | Ballard, Green, & Granger (2003)
- Repeated Exposure to Video Game Play: Results in Decreased Blood Pressure Responding | Ballard, Hamby, Panee, & Nivens (2006)
- Social Aggression and Dispositional Aggression Among Middle School Boys | Ballard, Rattley, Fleming, & Kidder-Ashley
- High versus Low Aggressive Priming During Video Game Training: Effects on Violent Action During Gameplay, Hostility, Heart Rate, and Blood Pressure
- Virtual Warfare: Cyberbullying and Cyber-Victimization in MMOG Play | Ballard and Welch 2015

Title: Professor
Department: Department of Psychology
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-8929