Research Interests
- Applied behavior analysis
- Empirically supported academic and behavioral interventions
- Implementation science
- Research-to-practice gap in educational settings
- Educators' resistance to change
- Multi-tiered systems of support (MtSS)
- Response to intervention (RtI)
- Curriculum-based measurement
- Progress monitoring
- School consultation
- Prevention of school failure
- Ph.D., 2004, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, School Psychology
- M.S., 2001, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Mental Health Counseling
- B.S., 1998, The University of Georgia, Psychology major/ Spanish minor
Representative Publications
Surname changed from Fearrington to Yarbrough in 2015
*Student Author
- Schmitt, A. J., Yarbrough, J. L., & Hennessey, J. (in press). Transition to work: Considerations for school psychologists. In F. C. Worrell & T. L. Hughes (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Applied School Psychology.
- Anselmo, G., Yarbrough, J. L., Kovaleski, J., & *Tran, V. N. (2017). Criterion-related validity of two curriculum-based measures of mathematical skill in relation to reading comprehension in secondary students. Psychology in the Schools, 54, 1148-1159. doi:10.1002/pits.22050
- Yarbrough, J. L., *Cannon, L., Bergman, S., Kidder-Ashley, P., & McCane-Bowling, S. (2017). Let the data speak: Gender differences in math curriculum-based measurement. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 35, 568-580. doi:10.1177/0734282916649122
- Schmitt, A. J., Yarbrough, J. L., McCallum, E., *Hoffman, R., *Jaquette, C., & *Piselli, K. (2015). Impact of increasing levels of accommodation on students with writing difficulties. Journal of Evidence Based Practices for Schools,16, 46-73.
- Fearrington, J. Y., Parker, T. D., Kidder-Ashley, P., McCane-Bowling, S. J., Gagnon, S. G. & Sorrell, C. A. (2014). Gender differences in written expression curriculum-based measurement in third through eighth grade students. Psychology in the Schools, 51(1), 85-96. doi: 10.1002/pits.21733
- Thompson, L. J. & Fearrington, J. Y. (2013). Teacher acceptability of response to intervention. School Psychology Forum, 7 65-75.
- Fearrington, J. Y., Kidder-Ashley, P., & Dickerson, L. K. (2012). Best practices in supporting children following industrial and man-made disasters. In S. Brock & S. Jimerson (Eds.), Best practices in crisis prevention and intervention in the schools, 2nd edition, (pp.597-609). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
- Yeo, S., Fearrington, J. Y., & Christ, T. J. (2012). Relation between CBM-R and CBM-mR slopes: An application of latent growth modeling. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 37(3), 147-158. doi:10.1177/1534508411420129
- Yeo, S., Fearrington, J. Y., & Christ, T. J. (2011). An investigation of gender, income, and special education bias on curriculum-based measurement slope in reading. School Psychology Quarterly. 22, 199-130. DOI: 10.1037/a0023021.
- Fearrington, J. Y., McCallum, R. S., & Skinner, C. H. (2010). Increasing math assignment completion using solution-focused brief counseling. Education and Treatment of Children, 34,61-80. DOI: 10.1353/etc.2011.0005.
- Kirk, E. R, Becker, J. A., Skinner, C. H., Fearrington, J. Y., McCane-Bowling, S. J., Amburn, C., Luna, E., & Grear, C. (2010). Deceasing inappropriate vocalizations using group contingencies and Color Wheel procedures: A component analysis. Psychology in the Schools, 47, 931-943. DOI: 10.l002/pits.20515.
- Below, J. L., Skinner, C. H., Fearrington, J. Y., & Sorrell, C. A. (2010). Gender differences in early literacy: An analysis of kindergarten through fifth-grade DIBELS probes. School Psychology Review, 39, 240-257.
- Windingstad, S., Skinner, C. H., Rowland, E., Cardin, E., & Fearrington, J. Y. (2009). Extending research on a class-wide, math fluency building intervention: Applying taped-problems in a second-grade classroom. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 25, 1-18.
- Kidder-Ashley, P., Deni, J. R., & Fearrington, J. Y. (2010). Running away. In A. S. Canter, S. A. Carroll, L. Paige, & I. Romero (Eds.), Helping Children at Home and School: Handouts From Your School Psychologist (3rd ed.).
- Reeder, J. & Fearrington, J. Y. (2010). Classroom transitions: Strategies for increasing instructional time. In A. S. Canter, S. A. Carroll, L. Paige, & I. Romero (Eds.), Helping Children at Home and School: Handouts From Your School Psychologist (3rd ed.).
- Choate, S. M., Skinner, C. S., Fearrington, J. Y., & Skolits, G. (2007). Extending the validity of the color wheel: Decreasing out-of-seat behavior in an intact, rural, first grade classroom. Journal of Evidence-Based Practices for Schools, 8(2), 120-133.
- Yarbrough, J. L., Skinner, C. H., Lee, Y. J., & Lemmons, C. (2004). Decreasing transition times in a second grade classroom: Scientific support for the timely transitions game. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 20(2), 85-107.
- Yarbrough, J. L., Skinner, C. H., Lee, Y. J., & Lemmons, C. (2004). Decreasing transition times in a second grade classroom: Scientific support for the timely transitions game. In C.H. Skinner (Ed.), Single Subject Designs for School Psychologists (pp. 85-107). New York: Hawthorne Press.
- Yarbrough, J. L., & Thompson, C. L. (2002). Using single-participant research to assess counseling approaches on children's off-task behavior. Professional School Counseling, 5, 308-314.
Selected Peer Reviewed Presentations
Surname changed from Fearrington to Yarbrough in 2015
*Student Author
- *Walker, H. E. & Yarbrough, J. L. (2019, February). Reinforcement matters! Comparing self-monitoring with and without contingent reinforcement. Poster session presented at the 2019 Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Atlanta, Ga.
- *Makar, A. & Yarbrough, J. L. (2019, February). Using a self-administered intervention to improve math fraction skills. Poster session presented at the 2019 Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Atlanta, Ga.
- Yarbrough, J. L., *Mann, K., *Gray, K., *Barron, A., & *Brooks, M. (2019, February). What is known about MTSS? Educator awareness of implementation practices. Poster session accepted for presentation at the 2019 Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Atlanta, Ga.
- *Walker, H. E. & Yarbrough, J. L. (2018, October). The efficacy of self-monitoring combined with contingent reinforcement. Poster session presented at the 2018 Fall Conference of the North Carolina School Psychological Association, Charlotte, NC.
- Yarbrough, J. L., *Tran, V. N., *Crawley, A., *Mann, K., Anselmo, G., & Beck, H. P. (2018, February). Predicting risk factors associated with high school dropouts. Poster session presented at the 2018 Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL.
- *Reeves, A. C., Yarbrough, J. L., *Crawley, A., *Tran, V. N., & *Mann, K. (2018, February). Teacher perceptions, knowledge, and use of applied behavior analysis based techniques. Poster session presented at the 2018 Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL.
- *Gizdarska, S. & Yarbrough, J. L. (2017, February) Combining check-in check-out and self-monitoring to reduce school refusal behavior. Poster session presented at the 2017 Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, San Antonio, TX.
- Yarbrough, J. L., *Tran, V. N., *Crawley, A., Anselmo, G., Beck, H. P., *Ross, J., & *Brown, R. (2017, February). Too cool for school? A measure to predict dropout risk. Poster session presented at the 2017 Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, San Antonio, TX.
- Anselmo, G. A. & Yarbrough, J. L. (2016, February). Criterion validity of mathematics curriculum-based measurement with secondary students. Poster session presented at the 2016 Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans, LA.
- Yarbrough, J. L., Masland, L. C., Mercer, S. H., & Keller-Margulis, M. (2015, February). Psychometric validation of the Florida problem-solving/RtI evaluation tool. Poster session presented at the 2015 Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Orlando, FL.
- Yarbrough, J. L., *Gonsiewski, M. A., & Masland, L. C. (2015, February). Factors that influence teacher acceptance and implementation of curriculum-based measurement. Poster session presented at the 2015 Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Orlando, FL.
- Fearrington, J. Y., Masland, L. C., McCane- Bowling, S. J., Webb, R. M., Reynolds, S. B., & Sorrell, C. A. (2013, February). Mathematics curriculum-based measurement and high stakes test scores. Poster session presented at the 2013 Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Seattle, WA.
- Phifer, S., Fearrington, J. Y., McCane-Bowling S. J., Huelsman, T. J., & Sorrell, C. A. (2013, February). Predictive validity of reading curriculum-based measurement and maze probes. Poster session presented at the 2013 Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Seattle, WA.
- Finn, A. E. & Fearrington, J. Y. (2013, February). Implementing social skills strategies to reduce tantrums with ASD students. Poster session presented at the 2013 Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Seattle, WA.
- Fearrington, J. Y., Gonsiewski, M., Watson, C., Dagenbach, J., Wentworth, B., & Stroud, E. (2013, February). Resistance to change: What influences acceptance of data-based decision making? Poster session presented at the 2013 Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Seattle, WA.
- Dickerson, L. K. & Fearrington, J. Y. (2012, October). Computational differences in mathematics curriculum-based measurement across gender. Poster session presented at the fall conference of the North Carolina School Psychological Association, Sunset Beach, NC.
- Fearrington J. Y., Mullinax, A. M., Thompson, L. J., & McCane-Bowling, S. J. (2012, February). Teacher’s present concerns pertaining to response to intervention: Stages of concern questionnaire results. Poster session presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Philadelphia, PA.
- Braun, L., Fearrington, J. Y., Masland, L. C., Kidder-Ashley, P., McCane-Bowling, S. J., & Sorrell, C. A. (2012, February). Predictive validity of reading curriculum-based measurement and high stakes testing. Poster session presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Philadelphia, PA.
- Canaday, M. K., Fearrington J. Y., & McCane-Bowling, S. J. (2012, February). Using social-behavioral learning strategies as an intervention for autism. Poster session presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Philadelphia, PA.
- Dickerson, L. K., Fearrington, J. Y., Bergman, S, McCane-Bowling, S. J., & Sorrell, C. A. (2012, February). Performance differences in mathematics curriculum-based measurement across gender. Poster session presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Philadelphia, PA.
- Pierce, L. A., Fearrington J. Y., Younger, K., & Smalling, M. (2011, February). Teacher acceptability of response to intervention. Poster session presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, San Francisco, CA.
- Dickerson, L. K., Fearrington, J. Y., Bergman, J. Z., McCane-Bowling, S. J., & Sorrell, C. A. (2011, February). Gender differences in mathematics curriculum-based measurement. Poster session presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, San Francisco, CA.
- Fearrington, J. Y., Reynolds, S. B., McCane-Bowling, S., & Sorrell, C. A. (2010, March). Predictive validity of mathematics curriculum-based measurement. Poster session presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL.
- Fearrington, J. Y., Pierce, L. A., Younger, K., & Smalling, M. (2010, March). Teacher acceptability of implementation of the response to intervention model. Poster session presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL.
Grant Activities
Total Funding Received = $52,673
- $13,756
- Funded 2012-2013. Author & Principal Investigator, Fearrington, J. Y., Resistance to change: What factors influence teacher acceptance and implementation of curriculum-based measurement? Society for the Study of School Psychology, Early Career Award Program.
- $1.6 million for 4 years
- Not Funded. Author & Co-Principal Investigator, Fearrington, J. Y., Drowning in data: The relationship between teacher characteristics, acceptability and implementation of a web-based progress monitoring system, and student achievement in rural Appalachia. Institute for Education Sciences, Goal 1: Exploration under Topic 10: Improving Education Systems: Policies, Organization, Management, and Leadership (CFDA 84.305A).
- $4,917
- Funded 2012-2013. Author & Principal Investigator, Fearrington, J. Y., Educational reform: What factors influence teacher acceptance of new practices? University Research Council Competitive Grants Program, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Appalachian State University.
- $22,000 for 2 years
- Funded 2010-12. Author & Principal Investigator, Fearrington, J. Y., Drowning in data: The relationship between teacher characteristics, acceptability and implementation of AIMSweb, and student achievement, Graduate Research Associate Mentoring (GRAM) Program, Cratis D. Williams Graduate School, Appalachian State University.
- $1,000.00
- Funded Fall Semester, 2010. Author & Principal Investigator, Fearrington, J. Y., Student Assistant, Mahaffey, J. T. Using the concerns based adoption model to predict teacher acceptability of AIMSweb, Undergraduate Research Assistantship Awards Program, Office of Student Research, Appalachian State University.
- $11,000 for 1 year
- Funded 2009-10. Author & Principal Investigator, Fearrington, J. Y., Teacher Acceptability of AIMSweb, Graduate Research Associate Mentoring (GRAM) Program, Cratis D. Williams Graduate School, Appalachian State University.
- $35,000 for 1 year
- Not Funded. Author & Principal Investigator, Fearrington, J. Y., Drowning in data: The relationship between teacher characteristics, acceptability and implementation of AIMSweb, and student achievement. Initiative on Data Use and Educational Improvement, Spencer Foundation.
- $1.2 million for 4 years
- Not Funded. Author & Co-Principal Investigator, Fearrington, J. Y., Drowning in data: The relationship between teacher characteristics, acceptability and implementation of a web-based progress monitoring system, and student achievement in rural Appalachia. Institute for Education Sciences, Goal 1: Exploration under Topic 11: Organization and Management of Schools and Districts (CFDA 84.305A).

Title: School Psychology Program Director
Department: Department of Psychology
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-8966
Fax: (828) 262-2974