Research Interests
- Cognitive psychology: Working Memory & Knowledge-based comprehension processes
- Working memory: Error-Management Theory & Cognitive Biases
- Individual differences
- Education
- Knowledge-based comprehension processes
- Evolutionary psychology: conformity, persuasion, and reciprocity
- Ph.D., 1994, Washington State University, Experimental Psychology
- M.A., 1988, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Applied Psychology
- B.A., 1986, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Psychology
Representative Publications
- Hinson, J., & Waring, D.A. (in preparation). Perspective as an aid to mathematical story problem comprehension. For submission to Journal of Educational Psychology.
- Niblock, A., & Waring, D.A. (in preparation). Influence of Academic Perspective on Performance. For submission to Journal of Educational Psychology.
- Waring, D.A. (in preparation). Predictive inferences in text comprehension: Comparison of local and global elaborative processing. For submission to Discourse Processes.
- Waring, D.A., & Whitney, P. (in preparation). The effects of comprehension task on the activation and incorporation of elaborative inferences. For submission to Discourse Processes.
- McElroy, T., Seta, J. J., & Waring, D. (2007). Reflections of the Self: How Self-esteem Imposes onto Risky-choice Framing Tasks. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 20, 223-240.
- Gerrard, L. & Waring, D.A. (2006). Serial position effects in primary and secondary memory processes. Submitted for publication in Perceptual and Motor Skills.
- Reed-Ashcraft, K., Waring, D.A., & Blanchard-Kittle, C. (2003). Facilitating Interdisciplinary Teamwork in Community Children's Mental Health: An Innovative field Model. Professional Development: The International Journal of Continuing Social Work Education, 5(3), 20-28.
- Denniston, J., Waring, D.A., & Buskist, W. (2002). Charles Darwin Teaches Introductory Psychology. Contemporary Psychology, 48(2), 238-241.
- Waring, D.A., Reed-Ashcraft, K., & Blanchard-Kittle, C. (2002). An interdisciplinary field training effort and preliminary evaluation. 14th Annual Conference Proceedings-A System of Care for Children's Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base, Tampa, FL, 417-420.
- Shelton, T., Baumhover, L., Reed-Ashcraft, K., Waring, D.A., Arbuckle, M., MacKinnon Lewis, C., Zipper, I.N., Leach, B., McCammon, S., & Cook, J. (2002). 14th Annual Conference Proceedings-A System of Care for Children's Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base, Tampa, FL, 421-428.
- Waring, D.A., Farthing, C., & Kidder-Ashley, P. (1999). Impulsive response style affects computer-administered multiple-choice test performance. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 26(2), 121-128.
- Waring, D.A., & Kluttz, C.L. (1998). Effects of task on the activation of predictive inferences. Psychological Reports, 83, 1287-1296.

Title: Associate Professor
Department: Department of Psychology
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-8962