Research Interests
- Impact of professional female athletes on women's body image
- Female body dissatisfaction's impact on relationship maintenance processes
- Factors that influence romantic relationships
- Dog Breed Stereotypes as a function of Race and Urban Factors
- Ph.D., 1993, University of Georgia, Social Psychology
- M.S., 1991, University of Georgia, Psychology
- B.A., 1988, Eckerd College, Psychology
Representative Publications
- Cooke, A. N., Bazzini, D. G., Curtin, L. A., & Emery, L. J. (2018). Empathic Understanding: Benefits of Perspective-Taking and Facial Mimicry Instructions are Mediated by Self-Other Overlap. Motivation and emotion, 42(3), 446–457. doi:10.1007/s11031-018-9671-9
- Read, G. L., Ballard, M., Emery, L. J., & Bazzini, D. G. (2016). Examining desensitization using facial electromyography:Violent videogames, gender, and affective responding. Computers in Human Behavior, 62, 201-211.
- Bazzini, D. G., Pepper, A., Swofford, R., & Cochran, K. (2015). How Healthy are Health Magazines? A Comparative Content Analysis of Cover Model Images and Cover Captions of Women's and Men's Health Magazine. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 72(5-6), 198-210. doi: 10.1007/s11199-015-0456-2.
- Kinsaul, J., Curtin, L., Bazzini, D., & Martz, D. (2014). Empowerment, Feminism and Self-Efficacy: Relationships with Disordered Body Image and Eating. Body Image: An International Journal of Research, 11 (1), 63-67. doi: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2013.08.001.
- Bazzini, D., Curtin, L., *Joslin, S., Regan, S., & Martz, D. (2010). Do animated Disney characters portray and promote the beauty-goodness stereotype? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40(10), 2687-2709. doi: 10.1111/j.1559-1816.2010.00676.x
- Barwick, A., Bazzini, D., Martz, D., Rocheleau, C., Curtin, L. (2012). Testing the norm to fat talk for women of varying size: What's weight got to do with it? Body Image, 9(1), 176-179. doi:10.1016/j.bodyim.2011.08.003
- Tompkins K.B., Martz D.M., Rocheleau C.A., Bazzini D.G. (2009) Social likeability, conformity, and body talk: Does fat talk have a normative rival in female body image conversations? Body Image: An International Journal of Research. 6 (4), pp. 292-298. doi:10.1016/j.bodyim.2009.07.005
- Martz, D. M., *Petroff, A. B., Curtin, L.A., Bazzini, D. G. (2009). Gender Differences in Fat Talk Among American Adults: Results from the Psychology of Size Survey. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 61(1-2), 34-41. doi: 10.1007/s11199-009-9587-7.
- Bazzini, D. G., Stack, E. P., Martinicin, P. D., & Davis, C. (2007). "Remember when we...?": The effects of reminiscing about laughter on relationship satisfaction. Motivation and Emotion, 31(1), 25-34. doi: 10.1007/s11031-006-9045-6.
- Craig, A. B., Martz, D. M., & Bazzini, D. G. (in press). Peer Pressure to "Fat Talk": Does Audience Type Influence How Women Portray Their Body Image. Eating Behaviors.
- Britton, L. E., Martz, D. M., Bazzini, D. G., Curtin, L. A., & LeaShomb, A. (in press). Fat talk and self-presentation of body image: Is there a social norm for women to self-degrade? Body Image: An International Journal of Research.
- Curtin, L., Martz, D., Bazzini, D., & Vicente, B. (2004). "They're Not 'Abnormal' and We're Not Making Them 'Abnormal': A Longitudinal Study." Teaching of Psychology, 31, 51-53.
- Pinkston, M., Martz, D., Domer, F., Curtin, L., Bazzini, D., Smith, L., & Henson, D. (2001). Psychological, nutritional, and energy expenditure differences in college females with anorexia nervosa versus comparable-mass control. Eating Behaviors, 2, 169-181.
- Kelly, J., & Bazzini D. G. (2001). Gender, sexual experience, and the sexual double standard: Evaluations of female contraceptive behavior. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 45, 785-799.
- Ballard, M. E., Dodson, A. R., & Bazzini, D. G. (1999). Genre of music and lyrical content: Expectation effects. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 160, 476-487.
- McIntosh, W. D., Smith, S. M., Bazzini, D. G., & Mills, P. S. (1999). Alcohol in the movies: Characteristics of drinkers and nondrinkers in films from 1940-1989. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
- Martz, D., & Bazzini, D. (1999). Eating disorders prevention programming may be failing. Journal of College Student Development, 40, 32-42.
- Smith, S. M., McIntosh, W. D., & Bazzini, D. G. (1999). Are the beautiful good in Hollywood? An investigation of the beauty and goodness stereotype on film. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 21, 69-80.
- Bazzini, D. G., & Shaffer, D. R. (1999). Resisting temptation revisited: Devaluation versus enhancement of an attractive suitor by exclusive and nonexclusive daters. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25, 162-176.
- McIntosh, W. D., Bazzini, D. G., Smith, S. M., & Wayne, S. M. (1998). Who smokes in hollywood? Characteristics of smokers in popular films from 1940 to 1989. Addictive Behaviors, 23, 395-398.
- Bazzini, D. G., McIntosh, W. D., Smith, S. M., Cook, S., & Harris, C. (1997). The aging woman in popular film: Underrepresented, unattractive, unfriendly, and unintelligent. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 36, 531-543. doi: 10.1007/BF02766689
- Shaffer, D. R., & Bazzini, D. G. (1997). What do you look for in a prospective date?: Reexamining the preferences of men and women who differ in self-monitoring propensities. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 23, 605-616.
- Shaffer, D. R., Pegalis, L. J., & Bazzini, D. G. (1996). When boy meets girl (revisited): Gender, gender role orientation, and prospect of future interaction as determinants of self-disclosure among same- and opposite-sex acquaintances. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 22, 495-506.
- Bazzini, D. G., & Shaffer, D. R. (1995). Investigating the social-adjustive and value-expressive functions of well-grounded attitudes: Implications for change and for subsequent behavior. Motivation and Emotion, 19, 279-305.
Teaching and Research Awards
- 2005-06, Recipient of Board of Governor's Outstanding Teacher Award., Appalachian State University
- 2000-01, Recipient of the Outstanding Teacher Award for the College of Arts and Sciences, Appalachian State University
- 1997-98, Inducted into the Academy of Outstanding Teachers for the College of Arts and Sciences
- Nominated for Arts and Sciences Academy of Outstanding Teachers Award ('94-95; '96-97; '99-00)
- Nominated for Student Government's Outstanding Teachers Award ('94-95; '96-97; '97-98; '98-99; '99-00)
- Nominated for Arts and Sciences Outstanding Advisor Award ('98-99; '99-00; '00-01)
- 1993 Recipient of the Charles Darby Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award, University of Georgia. Recognizes the outstanding graduate teaching assistant in the Department of Psychology.
- 1993 Recipient of the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, University of Georgia. Recognizes 5 graduate teaching assistants in the Department of Psychology.
Title: Professor
Department: Department of Psychology
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-8967