Research and Service Interests
- Development of food preferences, picky eating, normal and disordered eating in children and adults
- Parent and child food interactions
- Sustainable and community food system research
Our Eating and Feeding Lab examines the developmental and contextual aspects of eating behavior using a life-span approach. My colleagues and I have studied eating behavior in non-human and human primates at various stages of life including the prenatal period, infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, and across adulthood. The contextual influences we are interested in include parental feeding practices, socioeconomic position, and culture.
My interest in eating behavior connects with my community service focused on issues of sustainability. If human mental and physical health are essential elements of sustainable living, then understanding how to foster a preference for whole, less-processed foods across the socioeconomic spectrum would seem to be a vital step in achieving this goal. I enjoy working with Blue Ridge Women and Agriculture ( and an interdisciplinary team of researchers at Appstate focused on sustainable food (AppalFRESH - Appalachian Food Research for Equity, Sustainability, and Health).
- NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2000-2003, Penn State, Developmental Psychology
- Ph.D., 1998, University of Georgia, Biopsychology
- Certificate, 1996, University of Georgia, Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development
- M.S., 1994, Bucknell University, Animal Behavior
- B.A., 1991, Furman University, Psychology
Representative Publications
- Farrow, C. V., Blissett, J., Islam, S., Batchelor, R., Norman, R., Webber, C., Addessi, E., Bellagamba, F., Galloway, A. T., Shapiro, L. (2024) Approach to complementary feeding and infant language use: An observational study. Maternal & Child Nutrition, e13762.
- Di Prete, A., Del Grosso, D., Focaroli, V., Paoletti, M., Pecora, G., Hodges, E. A., Galloway, A. T., Farrow, C., Chiarotti, F., Caravale, B., Gasparini, C., Gastaldi, S., Bellagamba, F., & Addessi, E. (2023). Complementary feeding approach and maternal responsiveness in 8- and 12-month-old Italian infants: A longitudinal study. Appetite, 190.
- Webber, C., Blissett, J., Addessi, E., Galloway, A. T., Shapiro, L. (2021). An infant-led approach to complementary feeding is positively associated with language development. Maternal & Child Nutrition. E13206. doi: 10.111/mcn.13206
- Addessi, E., Galloway, A. T., Wingrove, T., **Brochu, H., Pierantozzi, A., Bellagamba, F., Farrow, C. (2021). Baby-led weaning in Italy and potential implications for infant development. Appetite, 1:164. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2021.105286
- Galloway, A. T., Watson, P., Pitama, S., & Farrow, C. (2018). Socioeconomic position and picky eating behavior predict disparate weight trajectories in infancy. Frontiers in Endocrinology. https://doi: 10.3389/fendo.2018.00528
- *Ellis, J. M., *Schenk, R. R., Galloway, A. T., Zickgraf, H. F., Webb, R. M., & Martz, D. M. (2018). A multidimensional approach to understanding the potential risk factors and covariates of adult picky eating. Appetite, 125:1-9.
- *Ellis, J. M., Galloway, A. T., Webb, R. M., & Denise, D. M. (2016). Measuring adult picky eating: The development of a multidimensional self-report instrument. Psychological Assessment. Advance online publication.
- *Ellis, J. M., Galloway, A. T., Webb, R. M., Denise, D. M., & Farrow, C. V. (2016). Recollections of pressure to eat during childhood, but not picky eating, predict young adult eating behavior. Appetite. 9758-63. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2015.11.020
* denotes student co-author

Title: Professor
Department: Department of Psychology
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-8945